Abd-ar-Rahman III: After a life as a powerful prince, what did this man reflect on his life? What was his philosophical conclusion about life and purpose?
Absolute Truth Video: Stream this short video. When it comes to truth, is everything relative to the individual? Are there any universal truths in the world?
Adam And Eve: Who are they? The Biblical account. Milton's account. The Garden of Eden. Universal parenthood. Original sin. Meaning for today's world.
Agnostic: Is this philosophical position feasible in light of scientific evidence? A review of the microscopic world, including the Bacterial Flagellum.
Agnostic Video: Our guest Sean McDowell from Worldview Ministries answers the question, Is God a Human Invention?
Agnosticism Definition: What do Agnostics believe in or not believe in? Are they simply free thinkers who ignore the notion of God?
Antony Flew: After chewing on the evidence, read about how Flew renounced his atheism due to the argument for intelligent design.
Aristotle: Learn the history of this great thinker and discover some of his great quotes on life. What was his influence on the world of philosophy?
Atheism: A practical look at the definitions of atheism, agnosticism and theism. Belief vs. Disbelief. Knowledge vs. Lack of Knowledge.
Atheism Video: Randall Niles responds to the critics, cynics, and skeptics who want the scientific world to exist exclusive of philosophical or theological inquiry.
Atheist Faith: Does faith exist within all of us no matter our religious belief? Read these thoughts regarding faith and human experience.
Belief in God: If you believe in God, what does that say about you? Are you intellectually challenged? What do the studies show?
Bertrand Russell: Who was this famous philosopher and mathematician? How did he speak of love and loneliness? Did he find the sense of belonging he longed for?
Blaise Pascal Accomplishments: Learn from this brilliant thinker. How did he view life, God, and existence? What was his conclusion on the truly important points?
Blind Men and the Elephant: Read this famous Indian fable. What is the meaning? How can it be interpreted? Is there a bigger message?
Blind Men and the Elephant Video: What can we learn from this famous Indian fable? Hear Randall Niles' commentary on the interpretation of this famous story.
C.S. Lewis Quotes: Read selected quotes from several of Lewis’ books. What were his views of life, atheism, and God?
C.S. Lewis Quotes Video: Why do we quote C.S. Lewis so often? John Stonestreet tackles this question and Lewis' commentaries about life.
Communism: Marx, Engels and The Communist Manifesto. The economic and political philosophy. The atheistic and amoral reality. A costly experiment for society.
Cosmological Argument: Research the philosophical argument brought forward by Kalam/Muslim philosophers in the middle ages. Discover the three premises.
Cosmological Argument Video: Randall Niles looks at the notion of a cosmic landscape of infinite universes proposed by many scientists today.
Creation vs Evolution Video: Stream this short video on this huge issue of origins. Are you a creationist or an evolutionist and what does that say about your beliefs?
Critical Thinking 101: I looked at the observable evidence for myself. I examined my decades-old presuppositions about science, nature, technology and origins.
Critical Thinking Video: Want a little Critical Thinking 101? Here's a Wake up Call for all the passive wanderers in life. Check out this short video clip!
Cultural Materialism: Marvin Harris and The Rise of Anthropological Theory. Comparisons to Marxist Materialism and other anthropological doctrines. Organization, ideology and symbolism.
Cultural Materialism Video: The ultimate goal is to destroy American free-enterprise capitalism by undermining its economic engine, the Middle Class, and the basic building block of society: the Family Unit.
Cultural Relativism: Can the notions of ethics and morality be viewed through different lenses? Can everyone be right? Find out here.
Cultural Relativism Video: Stream this short video clip on relativism. How do we know what’s morally good and morally bad? What standards help us through ethical dilemmas?
Define Ethical Behavior: What are ethics? Is it easily defined and consistent for everyone? What part does the conscience play?
Define Moral Relativism: What is moral relativism? Are all points of view equally valid? Is truth relative? Find out the tenants of relativism.
Define Morality: What does morality mean in our multi-faceted world? Is it the same for everyone? Is there a standard of morality?
Define Secular Humanism: What is humanism? What is the primary focus of this worldview. How does it differ from Nihilism?
Definition of Atheism: What is it? Read a brief summary of atheism and the basic tenants. How does secular humanism fit in?
Deism: A belief in a god of nature -- a noninterventionist creator -- who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws
Deism Video: Norman Geisler describes deism. What is it? What does it mean? Who believes in this worldview?
Deontological Ethics: This form of ethics maintains that actions are not justified by their consequences. How does it impact philosophy?
Does God Exist: This is a prerequisite to answering the other big questions of life. How do you answer it? Was there a Creator?
Does God Exist Video: Is God real? What do you think? Check out these great man-on-the-street interviews in this short video clip and hear what the world says.
Dualism: The concept that our mind has a non-material, spiritual dimension that includes consciousness and possibly an eternal attribute.
Egyptian Gods: Ancient Egyptian religious tradition. Pre-dynastic history. The creation myths. Life after death. Common themes with other religions. Universal truth.
Ethical Relativism Video: Are there any surviving standards of ethics and morality? Are there any universal truths? Stream this short video now!
Evolutionism Video: Watch this awesome video clip of the Bombardier Beetle. Is there a logical explanation for how evolution could explain the creation of this defense mechanism? What do experts think about this?
Existentialism: Learn what this philosophy is and what it isn’t. Consider the impact it has had on society.
Existentialism Video: Randall Niles uses the famous line from Descartes (I think therefore I am) to establish the reality of human existence.
Finding Meaning in Life: Is it possible to find purpose in life? Why is it important to live a meaningful life with goals and a purpose?
Gilgamesh: At the end of his heroic life, what is his conclusion? What was his reaction to the fragile state of humanity?
God: Does He exist? Is He necessary or merely convenient? He is revealed in the concept and design inherent in all things!
God Video: Randall Niles summarizes the Monkey Theorem and the impossibility of producing genetic information through random trials.
God's Love Video: Does God like me? Check Yes or No. God has already declared His love for us and that will never change.
Gods And Goddesses: Foundation of mythology in ancient cultures. Egyptian history and creation myths. Greek history and the religious background of the city-state.
Great Philosophers: What did philosophers of the past and contemporary voices have to say about God and the meaning of life?
Greek Gods: What are the mythological roots of ancient Greece? How do these beliefs influence life today?
Greek Philosopher Plato: How did the philosophy of Plato fit into history? How did Socrates play into and influence his dialogues?
How can we prove God is real?: Can you prove God’s existence? Does the presence of design prove the existence of a designer?
How Did Communism Start: What is the origin of this economic and political philosophy? What was the primary purpose?
Human Suffering: Are things that cause us happiness as individuals always good for us? Can morality be defined in terms of happiness?
Humanism: The history of Humanism and its manifesto. What are the implications of a humanistic outlook? Does God exist? Explore now.
Humanism Video: What is Humanist Psychology according to the Secular Humanism Worldview? Find out here.
Insanity Defense Video: Does ethical tolerance lead to moral chaos? How do sanity and the insanity defense relate to universal standards of morality? Watch this short video.
Inside Information Video: Randall Niles looks at the internal world of conscience and self that can't be explained through scientific tools alone.
Is God Real Video: Check out what the people on the street are saying about God's existence and interaction with us. You have to see this short video clip!
Is God Real?: A Question of Origins. The Evolution Paradigm and the Humanist Campaign. Information and Design declares the need for a Creator God.
Is There a God Video: Stream this short video on what people think about God! Why am I here on earth? Where did I come from? What am I worth? How do you connect with God?
Is There A God?: How did we get here? A look at 21st century science in light of the theistic and atheistic views of origins.
Is there Absolute Truth: What is an absolute? What is truth? Can absolute truth apply to everyone? Find out!
Life of Confucius: Study several quotes from this notable philosopher. His conclusions and depth of this philosophy are truly remarkable.
Life of King David: What can we learn from the life of this great king? What was his conclusion about the meaning of life?
Life of St. Augustine: Discover the history, struggles, and successes of this great man of faith. Read several of his quotes.
Materialism: What is the true purpose and meaning of life? How does it influence my life? Learn more here.
Materialism Video: What are the terms and definitions underlying this popular world-view? Watch this video.
Meaning of Theism: How does causation, design, and morality tie into Theism? What does it mean to believe in God?
Metaphysics: Logic screams that something is responsible for life. It's imperative to move forward and discover what caused everything we see.
Mind vs Brain Video: What do monism and dualism mean to the immaterial world of consciousness, self, and subconscious thought? Stream this short video clip
Moral Argument: Do humans, being shaped in the image of God, have an intuitive sense of right and wrong? Learn about this argument.
Moral Argument Video: Special Guest Dr. William Lane Craig returns and defines the Moral Argument for the existence of God.
Moral Ethics: How do we make moral decisions? Is it a question of relativity? Or is it a question of absolute truth?
Moral Relativism: What is the world-wide predisposition to pluralism? What are the basic concepts? Find out here.
Moral Relativism Video: You have to see this short video! Who said, There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so? Is moral relativism true?
Moral Relativism Video: You have to watch this short video clip! Are standards of right and wrong merely vain imaginations of time and culture? Is morality neutral? Check it out now!
Moral Truth: What is truth? What is moral truth? Learn the difference between moral relativism and moral absolutism? Study here.
Morality: Where did our system of moral conduct come from? Did it evolve? Was it learned? Or was it perfectly designed?
Morality Video: Are there universal standards of right and wrong, good and evil? How do you make your ethical decisions? Watch this short video clip on morality now!
My Worldview: I created my own philosophy for living. Using standard cultural labels, I was a materialist, naturalist, relativist, humanist, hedonist.
Natural Law: What is natural law? What is the history? Are there universal standards that apply to all mankind throughout all time?
Natural Law Video: It is a moral theory of jurisprudence, which maintains that law should be based on morality and ethics. Why?
Naturalism: A philosophical, theological and scientific explanation for everything. A look at cosmological and biological origins. The staggering statistics against materialism.
Nebuchadnezzar: What did this mighty king go through that changed his viewpoint on life? What was his conclusion?
Nebuchadnezzar Video: What can we learn from this Babylonian King? What did he learn from his time of humility? Did he ultimately praise God?
Nietzsche and The Madman: In this essay, Nietzche questioned whether Western culture was ready for the philosophical ramifications of killing God? What did he say?
Nihilism: Learn about the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche and others who contributed to this philosophy of nothingness. What influence does it have on society and culture?
Ontological Argument: What is it? This argument refers to the claim that the very logical possibility of God’s existence entails His actuality.
Ontological Argument Video: Listen as special guest Dr. William Lane Craig explains the Ontological Argument. What is it and why is it important?
Philosophical Materialism: What is materialism? What are the tenants of this philosophy? How do recent scientific findings line up?
Philosophical Naturalism: Understand this ancient philosophical belief. What does it maintain? What hurdles does it face?
Philosophy: What is the definition of philosophy? What are the major philosophies and what are the beliefs of each?
Philosophy Of Life: My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato's Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads (Antony Flew).
Philosophy of Life Video: Randall Niles lobs another wake-up grenade to re-engage the Big Questions of Life. What is the meaning of life?
Philosophy Quotes: Learn from great minds like Mill, Spinoza, Descartes, Pascal, Kant, and others. What wisdom did they share on existence and a quest for God?
Philosophy Video: What is philosophy? Dr. Geisler shares with Bobby what philosophy is and why it is important for the Christian.
Polytheism: What is the history of various polytheistic religions? Do these beliefs play out today?
Polytheism Video: What is polytheism? Dr. Geisler explains this concept and how to understand its concepts.
Postmodern Worldview: What are the key points? Is there objectivity? Is there consistency in worldviews?
Postmodernism: How is this term defined or described? What influences this philosophy and mindset for living? What are the ideals?
Postmodernism Critique: Is there a larger intellectual history that must be understood in order to grasp the uniqueness and significance of postmodernism as a worldview?
Postmodernism Video: What is postmodernism and what are the basic beliefs? Listen as Randall Niles explains this belief system.
Principles of Morality Video: Randall Niles examines the conflicting concepts of moral relativism and universal truth as they are applied by many people today.
Problem of Evil Video: Randall Niles looks at good and evil -- Is evil a created thing, an object? Or is evil the absence of something.
Realism And Naturalism: My biggest barrier to any kind of religious faith was 20th century science and technology - natural processes and wonderful chance.
Relative Truth Video: Is there universal truth? Can we use examples from science to investigate the existence of absolute truth? Find out now by watching this short clip.
Roman Gods: The history of pantheism in Rome. The influence of Etruscan and Greek cultures. The Roman Empire and its divine emperors.
Roman Gods Video: Randall Niles looks at the ancient pagan and mystery religions and their so-called influence on early Christianity.
Secular Humanism: What is the background of this philosophical belief system? How does it impact society today? Study the facts.
Seeking Truth: Are all faith-based beliefs flagrantly irrational, as claimed by some authors? Discover a response to this question.
Supernaturalism Video: Can we get a glimpse of the Omni-Natural World of Extra-Dimensionality? Is there really a realm of the metaphysical? You gotta see this short video clip!
Teleological Argument: What is this argument for design? What’s more reasonable? Design or Chance? Find out the basis of the argument here.
The Elephant Principle Video: How did the great philosophers reconcile their ideas of God? What’s the story of the Blind Men and the Elephant? Click to stream this short video now!
The Existence of God: Is it possible to prove that God does exist? Study the facts and a quote from Dr. Wernher Von Braun.
The Legacy of Epicurus: Did Epicurus liberate man from the fear of God and from the fear of death? Was his theory correct?
The Problem of Evil: What is evil? Why do cataclysmic events in nature take place? Are they acts of God? Find out here.
Thomas Aquinas: What evidence did this philosopher use to prove the existence of God? Find out the five keys.
Truth and Religion Video: Can faith pass the test of reason? Can Truth and Reason coexist? Can religion be rational? Watch this short video now!
What is Truth Video: Are there unchanging truths in a changing world? Are there absolute truths or is it all relative? Watch this short video!
Who Am I: Am I anyone? Am I god? Am I worthless? Find out how this question is answered based on your worldview.
Who Created God Video: Is there a Divine Exception to the Law of Causation? What is the Cosmological Argument? You have to see this incredible but short video clip!
Why Am I Here Video: Stream this short video. Why am I here on earth? Where did I come from? What am I worth? Do I have any intrinsic value? Ask yourself - Why are we here?
Why Am I Here?: One of life’s basic questions. Are there varying opinions? Learn two viewpoints and the enormous ramifications. Unearth the facts now.
All About History: What can we learn from studying the past? Discover various events that have shaped our lives and world today.
All About Philosophy: Many of life’s questions are hard to answer. Discover how your philosophy has been influenced by others.